Hi there. My attempts at transferring photos has not always been successful. Hence they are a bit of a jumble so that is what this will be, a jumble of snaps along the way. Here we are camped in a very primitive camp at Little River though it was very picturesque beside a lovely stream and bush walk.

This was the hand washing area outside the very posh long drop toilets. I was rather taken with it.

I loved bathing my feet in the Stoney streams and rivers and my crocks were ideal protection from stumbling on the rocks.

This was an amazing beach called Birdlings Flat, near Akaroa. It was shoal after shoal of smooth round and many flat stones and among them many pretty coloured ones.

My new sun hat came in very useful for carrying my haul and Kerry very kindly found room for them in one of the lockers. I have since added to the haul at various places and they are tucked away in little corners of the bus along with the occasional purchase from op shops. Yes there have been a few happy finds.

Then there was Mt Cook. Though it was a cloudy day the clouds were very high so we were lucky to see her. I was following her for many miles then we were on our way directly towards her on our way to Mt Cook centre. I was thrilled all the way.

There we are with the grand lady just to the right

And the other mountains next to Cook.

This is the true colour of the lakes and rivers fed by the glaciers. I couldn't get over this beautiful turquoise colour. This was one of the dams fron Lake Pukaki and Benmore.

We just watch in awe, the bungy jumping from thr original site where it all started.

This was one end of this amazing bridge built in 1880, and you can see a little of the lovely scenery around it.

We followed the gorge through to Cromwell and that is where we stayed by the lake in my last post.

Since then we have walked up to a very grubby Fox Glacier. The grubbiness is caused by the dirt from surrounding hills being blown onto it, but it was a beautiful walk.

With views like those out of Lord of the Rings.

There were other stunning views like this one of Mt Hooker. I was sitting on a rock bathing my crocked feet again and a few stones went into my bag. I'm sure some small pieces of Ponamu are amongst them.

It was a very stormy sea under a stormy sky at Greymouth.

This was the infamous bar at Greymouth where many lives have been lost. No boats were going out this day.

The end of the day showed some improvement after a day of squalls, and I'm sure to be enthralled by more fabulous scenery. Till next time blessings to you all, Trills.x