Saturday, 24 June 2017


Yes. Artymalarkey is my name for the arty journey I am on and at the moment I am larking around painting papers. I mean I am obsessed with painting papers. The above is some results that have been cut up to use in other arty projects like hand made journals.

I have colour moods where I play with one colour and its relations, just enjoying different combinations 
Etc. so this was obviously a day for the greens.

And this was a day for gelato shades. Yummy creamy, sweet colours. I am using waste paper from my daughters uni studies ,she is doing from here at home. She likes to have hard copies to browse and make notes in, and then discards them.

I saw them in the recycle bin, so grabbed them to use for fun stuff. This is the latest pile she dumped in my arty space. I've got a lot of fun stuff to keep me going a good while.

Back to my painted papers. I have a habit of squeezing too much paint out on my paper pallet each time, so end up making marks and shapes on other pieces of paper and these are some of those.
I will have fun extending their content in the evenings, with markers and my favourite metallic gel pens.
Or, cutting them up for other projects.

The evenings in front of tv is a time for scribbling and making marks and designs on these papers, ready to paint the next day. As you can see, there is a mounting pile of them too.

And a mounting heap of painted papers. I have Suzie Denis to blame for this. I have followed her on Utube and also taken one of her workshops. I just love the way she plays with paint and marks on the papers. Mine don't seem to turn out the same, but that is how it should be, I reckon. Each of us has to develope our own style, and I can see and feel mine developing a style of its own.

More painted papers with more strutted design, and do you see the one in the top right corner? Well I dabbled with it one evening.

And came up with this. I just started doodling with a fine black marker and the metallic gel pens, and this happened, and I was very happy with it.

A close-up, but it still doesn't show the metallic sheen very well. This happy result gave me ideas, so now I am working on a bigger project to use this picture with. Can you guess what it will be. Sorry I'm not telling till its done.

Meanwhile, I am making a very ugly mess while mixing paints. I do love mixing colours to make a colour I want, but this effort was not successful. I was going for a dark red, maroon sort of colour. I added a little black to the red on my pallet paper (the one on the left) but it was obviously too much, so then came more red, then some fluorescent coral, then more red, then white, but still didn't have what I was after. But I did have an overflow of paint on the paper.

What was I to do with it? Well, I have these little pots from the dollar store for such things, though usually especially colours I love, like me coral shades. Anyway here is the offending colour in its pot and you could see in the previous pic, the papers I used to clean up the mess left behind on paper and brush. I'm sure I will have my day, when I succeed in making some lovely colour from this mess.

So that's where I'm at. There are on coming heaps of papers to mark and paint and doodle on, and maybe even put in some journal pages. You can see here, another colour scheme happening. I wonder where it will take me. Oh! So much fun. So much joy, messing around with paint and artymalarkey.
Till next time, many blessings and love, Trills.xx

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

A love affair

It started with a beak

This ladies beak. The colourful Magenta caught my eye and I was under its spell. I've been painting papers.

Like this. I have been watching the lovely and very talented Suzi Denis on Utube and her practice of painting papers. Using old drop papers and other materials. Do you see the page in the top left. My lady with the beak came from there. Do you see it?

I cut up the page and stuck this bit in my journal, then started playing, resulting in the page I showed at the start of this post.

I have gone crazy, painting papers. It is so good for stress. I seem to only get short spells in the studio at the moment, so, just splash some paint around. I do a bit of scrawling lines first then paint in the spaces. Maybe you can remember this from your childhood. I certainly do. The swirling pencil pattern then coloring it in. But look at these pages. I have been painting several at once like an assembly line. There was nine in this batch.

Now see what happens when I add Magenta. In this one I went over every shape of 3/4 of the page. You can see what colors were underneath, and the rich transformation of every one.

So! Here is the object of this affair. My tube of Magenta paint, running out fast. These pages are leftover paint pages. I just love how the left one turned out. And without a though or plan. I often squeeze out too much paint, so use up the leftover on all sorts of paper and this was just an old partly used scrap book.

Other waste paint is mopped up with all kinds of paper. I also often use these small pieces as a palette, then stamp them over other dry ones when finished. Sometimes these end up prompting a picture to capture and use somewhere.

Do you see the green face in the top right corner. A paint blotch that spoke to me. I haven't done it justice. I should be brave and try to give her more life. Maybe one day.

Yes. The poor thing really does need a face lift.

Well I'm going to leave it there today, with another painted paper, cut in half and waiting for the next move. Do check out Suzi Denis's Utube videos. I have also signed up for one of her online workshops. So inspiring. 
I'll be back with more Arty Malarkey, here at Trills Patch. Bye for now. Love and blessings, Trills xx