Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The return + +

 Yep, thats me, off for a walk. DH is 'very supportive' of me losing weight and sugested I might walk our road. Well we just love that encouragement so I thought I'd raz him by wearing my jolly bed socks that I had grabbed in the early hours when I was awoken with cramp. We laugh a lot thank goodness and I giggled all the way down the road. I cant believe it's a fortnight since my last post.  Its been a busy fortnight so lets go back.
 DH arrived home from his 6 day trek, very dusty, dirty and happy after driving his tractor over many rough metal roads and over farmland and down on the west coast beaches near Waitomo. He and his 2 companions from this club met up with a large number from the local club down there so there were about 20 of them. Yes there were enough spuds and onions.
 Needless to say it was a very different line of washing from my last post and this was one of three lots.
 Earlier that day I had gone to Quilt group, and here we are, though this was after some had left so it looks a bit spare, but we do usually have about 20 -30 ladies and one man there.
 This  group were concentrating on making sissor keepers.Not something I was into.
 You can see where I am sitting with my bright crochet. We bring allsorts of things to do. You can just see Joan in the distance at right. This lovely lady has hands that are so crooked and twisted with arthritis but
 she does this most amazing embroidery. We always have a corner of her incredible work at our bienial show. Amy the lady on the left was engrossed in this book I had brought in to show her. Il show you shortly.
 And next to me Ruthina was piecing these twisted stars over papers. This was something I saw in a mag some years ago when we had our shop and My daughter drew up the pattern on the computer for me then I did a class on English Paper Piecing which I am quite passionate about and have many UFOs of different shapes as I will be busy on one project and another catches my eye and I have to try it. Il show you them all one day.
 Show and tell brings out the big quilts like this one . I was very thrilled to see how some fabric I sold in my garage sale had been used. This was a Jinny Beyer border print left over from the shop. Almost a whole bolt of it which I certainly did not need. I thought it was stunning, but the photo doesnt do it justice.
 My contribution to show and tell wa this daffodill I crocheted following Lucy,s pattern on Attic 24.
Home again I indulged in my favourite luch at the moment. Sliced French bread spread with cracked peper pate and camembert cheese and green tea though apple cider would have been nice. I,m rather partial to cider.
 Out to the swing seat with my favourite book of the moment. Granny Chic. This is it. Have you seen it or indulged in a copy of your own. I highly recomend it for all those who love vintage makes.
 Now theres an idea for all those doilies i have gathered.
 and another. I am now on the lookout for any old lampshades. There are patchwork ones too.
 This is on my to do list. The background is those cream doilies and traycloths. Ive got many of those..
 And I love this and the pieced versions.
 And how about the inside of Rachels caravan, and the outside is patched as well. I showed it to DH but he was not about to let me loose on our bus though he does want the area around the back window redone. Its wallpapered and he says after 20 years it reminds him of turkey bottoms though when he ever had the oportunity to study a turkeys bottom I dont know as we have never had one in the house let alone on the table or in the garden even. So I am buzzing with ideas to arty crafty the area under his very conservative eye.Whatch this space.
 As I sat on the swing with my lunch and book I had a visit from our little friend, a young blackbird with a droopy wing. He or she has been comming ever since its mother brought it to feed on the cat pellets left out for Emmy. If the bowl is empty it will badger us till we refill it. The cats just watch or ignor it. They are not bird catchers. Emmy can bee lying just inches from the bowl and when the bird comes she might lift her head and murmur a greeting then lie down again.
 Casper is quite happy with his new toy.
Emmy came to me to ask when her Daddy will be home. Today sometime sweetie.
Well that was then and quite a bit has happened since then but that will have to wait till my next post.
Thankyou for your comments and encouragement. Blessings, Trills.xx


  1. Trills, I've enjoyed your long, newsy posts SO much. It is great to catch up with you. Loved seeing everything you are doing or want to do ~ I lve Dottie Angel and Attic 24 too. Your pussycats are gorgeous...I know exactly what you mean about them asking when the 'other half' is coming home :)
    I laughed out loud about the turkey bottoms!!
    Are you vegetarian, by the way..or just not lovers of poultry and their derrieres?!
    Many blessings to you,
    Alex x

    1. hi Alex. lovely of you to drop by. We are not vegetarians but DH is not fond of chickens etc after having to kill and pluck them etc as a young boy on the farm, so its ham for us at Xmas. I do sneak a chicken meal in occasionally but have never tried cooking a turkey. blessings Trills
