Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow part 2

Here I am again . Its tomorrow and I am managing to get down to blogging again. As you can see I have been trying to create a personal header but didnt get very far. Well for now I will get back to yesterdays wander around the gardenAdd caption

Our new home is going to take a while to get to where I'd like it as the bus is coming first these days as we work to improve the facilities ready for our trip to the south Island next Feb/March. But as you can see our classic cars are snug in their garage now that we have a garage sale to downsize our furniture etc as this house is only half the size of the old home. I also found a lovely outdoor setting to start the developement of my little French courtyard outside my studio.Add caption

There is a couple of extra chairs that we think fit in so they were rescued from the garage sale and the bench has followed us from Manurewa over 20yrs ago. The Wisteria is lovely even after a harsh pruning. And I have started repotting the pots but still lots to do.Add caption

A closer look at these beautiful bloomsAdd caption

I was sitting inside my studio in a little corner I have set aside for  contemplation and the sentence I was contemplating from a recent sermon was " What stirs your spirit". Well I looked out the window and this is what I saw and my spirit was stirred.

Yes almost as much as Cherry trees. Isn't the wonderful. Cherries have always been my favourite trees and I had quite a few more varieties in my old garden and my gardens before. These two Awanui Cherries have been beautiful this year.Add caption

This one is right in the garden and I have great plans for clearing around it and planting lovely shrubs that like dappled shade like azaleas and more abutilons. I will have to be careful digging though as there are graves of cats and rabbits that have blessed our lives and moved on.Add caption

Now if you can put up with the funny light in these 2 pics I had to take a drive down this little road on the way to Waiau Pa a couple of weeks ago just to drink in this wonder.Add caption

The whole road os boardered on both sides with Awaniu Cherries and I had seen it before and now it is a yearly pilgrimage. Unfortunately I didn't realise my phone camera was on incandescent but hope you can capture some of what I delighted in.Add caption

Another favourite tree is the Tulip Tree and I had a big one in my old garden that had just started flowering last year and Dad had also olanted one here but unfortunately the wind did too much damage and we lost it but I do have this little upright variety that I planted back in the beginning but it hasn't grown much. These are its tiny new leaves. Arn't they darling and I love the shape. The floweres of these trees are a wonder to behold. Almost iridescent as they glow a creamy yellow and are tulip shaped standing up on the branches.Add caption

This line of alders will soon be a very lush  and abundant greenness for the Summer and will grow outwards so vigourously they will need a heavy pruning again.Add caption

This little group comprises 3 common Cherries and an Oak that have selfseeded and they will have to go along with the Ash tree at the centre as you can just see the boxing around the vege garden that willbe after I weed it and plant some goodness. I would also like another bed for small soft fruits like berries so something has to give.Add caption

Add captionThis pretty Japanese Maple will get a reprieve for now as it is so pretty

This is the beginnings of my cottage garden with cosmos, phlox, something pretty I've forgotten the name of  and a Scabiosa. I love these pretty floweres and nabbed this plant from a roadside stall along with a few other things. I paid of course. I just thought about that word nabbed. Add caption

Heres a closeup. can't wait till its a big clump. The plan is to plant several Austin roses in the middle of this bed and some more cottage garden plants in between .Add caption

I will have to be thoughtfull about plantings though as this is now our water supply. They are huge tanks and at present full of water since last nights rain collected from the barn roof. We will probably set up some other sources of water for the garden too. DH plans to build another shed so that will have a small tank to catch the water.
Being on tank water takes us back to the early days of our marriage when we were farm workers and shifted every June 1st to the next farm job with another old farm cottage with dubious water supply. DH always cleaned out the small tanks and we survived along with our babies. One wonders at the fuss made today about such things.Add caption

Today the wind has been blowing a gale so I spent the morning in my studio, just fluffing around really. I made a long list of tings to do for the bus like new cushion covers out of Kiwiana teatowels, finish the seat coushions for the seats by the table, decoupage the walls of the bedroom area and new curtains for there too. Not to mention the list for our new home. The page is full with no cross offs yet so I better get myself into gear.
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Add captionI love that I only have to pop across the sheltered porch way to my studio and I love that we have a porch. I've never had one before. You can see through the other door that the clothesline is also nice and handy with a pathway so my feet don't get wet. There are so many things that are just so great about our new home. All thanks to my Mum and Dad. My heart is full

Lets have one more look at the Wisteria and drink in its loveliness as these winds today are doing their best to blow all the blossoms away. What a blessing photos are for recording the beauty of this world.
I wonder where I'll be next post as I have a few exciting things on the calendar.
Till then, thankyou for dropping by and blessings, TrillsAdd caption

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