Here I am, with my cuppa and gingernut and iPad and quiet. Kerry has just left for the day to gather with some tractor mates to help another mate get his old tractor going.
It gives him a break from the veranda project which is coming along nicely. I'm loving the look.
My day is set with painting to do on the next panel. The trellis is a painters nightmare but the results are worth it.
But in the other half of the garage I can now reveal a wee secret. Treasures of my lovely weekend staying with Steph. We spent Sat morning op shopping in her area. I've kept a few things hidden in my car till it was safe to transfer them to another hiding place.
Lovely shelves to paint, ( what! More shelves?) two wonderful wool blankets ( what! More blankets?) and a French looking cane planter. I will reveal the rest of my treasures later.
Oh! Ok then.
I couldn't believe my luck when This suitcase caught my eye, and only $3. But wait till you see inside.
Yes indeed. Treasures galore.
My favourites are the huge lacy tablecloth, a lovely cream cushion cover with candelwick embroidery and crochet frill, vintage floral table cloth for Emmylou, a green glass bowl for my collection, and a James Herriot book with lots of lovely colour plates of His beloved Yorkshire. There are many more doilies underneath. Oooooh what joy. Luvly Juvly treasures!!
Stephs purchases were very small in comparison. Everything for her fitted in her best find, this lovely basket. Seen here already being worked on.
Steph is very industrious ans spent no time at all in hunting for fabric to line her basket, but, and I have to say BUT! where once upon a time she had a very modest stash of fabrics, alas, she has been infected with the curse, and I am all to blame. Yes, and I proudly take that blame on board. As Steph brought out box after box of fabric to interview she cried. " Trills! What have you done to me!"
Steph is a wonderful upcycler, born and bred. Her Mum and Gran set the pattern and I must say she has also influenced me greatly. Nothing is wasted, and she puts me to shame accomplishing a lot more than me even though she works full time.
But let's go back to Fiday evening when I arrived and parked my Bubble beside their old caravan. Stephs man was away for the weekend and there was to be a gathering of ladies on Sat night. Wine and cheese, and swap and sale for charity but due to folks being busy it had to be postponed. So I was thrilled to be asked to stay anyway.
The chickens were keen to see what reacts I had brought for them and they weren't disappointed.
Steph and I wined and dined and indulged, then got down to the crafty business.
Steph was making these pretty tree decorations to send to family in UK. All made from bits and bobs, upcycled of course, with glitzy touches.
For the evening I stuck to my crochet.
Morning broke with Ollie and Miro keeping me company.
The day wasn't too bad. The forecast was for rain, so after a breakfast courtesy of the chickens we set off on our opportunity journey, conscious that the said shops would close at midday.
Sorry, we were just too busy and intent on our mission to take photos, but you've seen the results!
The lounge took on the appearance of a very busy workplace after arriving back as the rain was falling.
After finding the right fabric to line her basket and other fabric rediscovered for a duvet cover, Steph decided to get cracking on the duvet cover first. Using part of an old one and other fabrics.
The desire being to brighten their bedroom.
Still some finishing touches, but doesn't that look awesome.
Between helping with pinning, I pottered in my corner or should I say my half of the room as I took it over with all my bags and suitcase of crafty stuff. A crafty girl has to be well prepared.
What was I doing? Well I had been wanting to have a go at hoop art. So here we have my dilly dallying with hoop, damaged doily, bits and pieces from my collection of Many years, and I am really enjoying stitching and playing. There will be words added as well.
Next morning I awoke to my phone and when I turned to get back in bed there was no room for me, so it was obviously time to get up.
A better day treated us as we did a tour of Stephs vege garden.
Steph does great things on her plot. Growing most plants from seed in her greenhouse, and has excess to give away, so I have a selection to take home.
Come on chickens! Off the strawberries!
You ratbags!
Back to crafting and Steph finished her basket, complete with pockets. Luvly juvly!
Another luvly juvly of Stephs is this mirror above my bed. A variety of crafted flowers from upcycled materials.
And how about the tie curtain in the smallest room?
All too soon it was time to pack my Bubble with added treasures. For goodness sake Trills! All this for just 2 days. Steph was in stitches.
It was a super weekend with a special friend. I hope you enjoyed sharing it with me. Now I must get on with the painting. Bye for now and many blessings and love, Trills, xxx
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