Yes! Christmas is around the corner and as every year it's a busy time, juggling all the needs of the season. First the cards. I set myself up in the spare room at the desk I used to have in my retreat. It felt good to sit there and contemplate all the folks on my list, wishing them good tidings as I wrote.
And I wasn't short of cards, having amassed three boxes of them over the years of buying packets and not using them all. So I set myself the challenge of not buying any new ones till these are used up.
My rather stern and very Roman looking ancestor kept an eye on the proceedings ready to chastise any deviation from my resolution. I do see a likeness to my dear Dad but I haven't a clue who it is.
Mum and Dad look much happier, here on their Wedding day. The photo was coloured and enlarged for their 50th wedding anniversary and my brother made the brass wall hanging.
He was so talented. I miss them all, and it is lovely to have them here with me at this time. Christmas is a special time for remembering lost loved ones.
I can thank my folks for a love of gardening as I tend my little patch.
We've had some lovely rain lately that the garden just drank up. These Russell Lupins will flower soon.
Granny's Bonnets flowering at last. This is such a delicate colour combo.
The new Penstemons are a lovely soft pink. I love them.
Dead heading has prolonged the Anturinums. They have been a delight.
With the rain we also had strong winds and I gave a gasp of horror when I saw the sweet peas all bent over and smothering the Dalias.
It was quick smart with the twine and stakes and all was saved but don't know how much longer the Sweet Peas will last, so what next for this space? Another trip to the garden centre for mouth watering ideas and temptations. One with a cafe I think.
On the crafty side of my life I thought I would try an old doily pattern with a bright twist. A sort of mandala. It will probably need a hula hoop to support it and maybe hand under the veranda. The green loopy rows used up nearly a whole ball of yarn. I won't be making a habit of these! But it was fun.
On a much smaller scale I started making these little stars for the Christmas tree while on the cruise. Yes! They had knit and natter sessions while at sea and I don't go anywhere without some hand work. It was lovely sitting with other like minded ladies, mostly from Australia, sharing stories, ideas, and patterns. Quite a few of them were making poppies for the 50,000 Poppy challenge.
This is a secret as these wonderful gems of the seaside are to become Christmas presents. Keeping our family tradition of home made or second hand gifts I have decided to be creative with these gems from our stay at the Mount a couple of months ago.
We took a day off and Emmylou took us to Port Waikato for a day. Such a lovely peaceful spot. We were almost the only ones around.
It was not the flashiest of days but they have been rare lately so it was a case of ' Let's just do it!' And so we did. And thoroughly enjoyed the drive and relaxing by the still waters of the Waikato River near its end. At the gap in the middle you may just be able to make out the white line of breakers at the River mouth.
Coming home we decided to take fish and chips down to our coast beach for tea. It always takes our breath away as we round the corner to this view.
Not many folks here either. So many busy shopping etc. I know which I'd rather do.
So it's all go now to be ready for Christmas Day when the family will be here for a very laid back easy going time together. That's really what it's all about isn't it.
If I don't get back in the next week I will wish you all a peaceful,joyful,and happy Christmas with blessings aplenty. Love Trills.xx
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