Once upon a time, my parents lived in this little house on the Awhitu peninsula. My brother and his family used to live there but they bought the section next door.
And my brother built this house, so my parents bought the old one. They were just across the road from a new regional park and Dad got a job there as a ranger.
During his time there Dad planted many trees including the ones each side of this pic. As you can see already the view is lovely and there is water.
Yes! There are two wonderful beaches in the park, with a tiny Island you can walk to at low tide.
The long white sandy beaches are wonderful and it was a lovely high tide when we arrived on Tues mid morning. Straight in for our first swim of this Summer.
The cool clear water was sooo refreshing as we lolled about trying to work up an appetite.
There were a few others enjoying this treasure, but it certainly was not crowded.
I sheltered under a small tree while we had lunch and a read.
I kid you not. They go most places with me, where I think there might be book browsing time.
Wisdom on collected. Mmmm! Actually very encouraging and forgiving for me.
I gaze at these walls in Tifs house so often in wonder. I have no walls, so am planning on a small space of wall in my studio.
Kerry has gone back for seconds. I'm not going to be left out!
The tide is receding, the sun is scorching, I think we need more shade.
Along there, across the small creek. Now the tide has receded we can cross over there.
AAAH ! That's better. Now to just relax in the cool under these awesome branches that have stretched out here for yonks.
Let's reminisce a little. Our youngest was only year old whe Mum and Dad moved here. The park wasn't properly opened at that time so we had the place to ourselves. Many school holidays were spent here. This world really was our oyster, complete with shining pearl.
We swam, we walked the many paths through bush and along the seaside and across the mud flats at low tide. We fished, we forraged, we played, from dawn till dusk. Then Dad would smoke or cook the days catch.
Just like this little family, today, have found a tiny sandbar Island to have an adventure on.
Some others are hoping to find some shell fish, but I think the beds a rather depleted these days.
We'll just lay back under this wonderful canopy and savour the memories.
And maybe read another chapter of my book. Do you like the title. "The Cure For Death By Lightening".
A rather good novel actually, set in outback America, post WWII .
Well....It's time to crunch the shells under our feet and make our way back to the car park.
Along the path where the trees and flax were planted by Dad.
Across the little stream that feeds the wetland sanctuary.
Up the lovely path shaded by the native bush.
One last glance at a wonderful slice of heaven that we have had the privalidged of being part of. There have been family gatherings big and small in the park. We have camped in the very basic but beautiful campsite. Soooo many rich memories here along with my folks ashes. Where else could they be?
We'll be back again soon, you bet!
Hope you enjoyed our day at our special beach.
Many blessings, love, Trills,xx
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