Sunday, 22 February 2015

A Sacred Day

Yesterday did not go as planned.

I was up early and busy getting ready for the 2hr or so drive to Rotorua to see Kerry for his birthday, when He rang to say the weather was not good, shelter was minimal, the roads would be dangerous. So we erred on the side of sensibility and decided I'd stay home and we would celebrate when he gets home. We do have a party planned in a couple of weeks too.
Then the rain came down here. Oh glorious rain. I could hear nature rejoicing. 
SO! What to do with this given day to myself. I could go to church, it being Sunday, and that is a habit of mine, but one that has been interrupted a lot lately. I do love the worship and the church family, but this day I felt called to something more intimate.
I felt called to my cosy corner in my studio
To a sacred intimate time with God.
My communion was tea and a gingernut, and why not, it fitted the bill, and reminded me of a few years ago when we had the shop, here in my now studio, and each morning after breakie and getting ready, I would have coffee with God. Sitting in the lounge. Times change and patterns of life change.
This day there was reading, prayer, discussion, listening, being in His Presence.
Last Sunday was special too. 
I was cat sitting at Jin's place, in amongst the mess I had created with my crafty stuff. I spent my sacred day in my nightwear, sitting on the sofa next to my blue suitcase. Times when I have been on spiritual retreats I always take some stitching with me. It's part of my meditating process, as it was last Sunday. Along with coffee and communion with God, I stitched gentle stuff like hexagons in soft colours, the rythum part of the prayer.
I had also spent time writing. Another retreat essential, and had some profound(for me) thoughts on S words. That's what I bought the scrap book for.
I wanted to enlarge on these thoughts.
So this day I got out the scrap book and doodled with the theme. It's a bit pale, or I'd rather say soft.
Anyway, it's a start, and maybe I'll try a fabric and embroidery one to hang up, to inspire me.
I also decided that a great meditative activity for this day would be ironing doilies. Oh joy! And I do! Find this task very meditative.
I handle them with reverence and awe, laying them out carefully to press, all the while pondering on the maker, the fineness of the work, the stories behind them. Like this very fine one. The thread so fine, the pattern intricate. Surely not commercially made, but you never know. I think about those ladies a lot and plan on a special post about them.
As I iron I have playing in the background the beautiful, inspiring chants of Taize music.
Taize is an ecumenical worship and retreat centre in France, and I came across this form of worship some years ago. Eventually organising and running these services in my then church with a friend. She played organ, myself guitar and lead singer, and occasionally the gift of a harpist. They were special. Many places still run them and Taize still flourishes. 
This day was progressing most beautifully. The weather improved, it was time for reading out on the swing seat with a giant cup of green tea after lunch. 
NOBODY KNOWS I'M HERE!! And it's a delicious feeling. A secret day that I have chosen to make sacred. 
We are very private here too. Blessed with a large property, only if someone came down the drive would they know that I'm home.
I know some folks can't cope with solitude, but It is a salve for my soul and why I am drawn to retreats. I do love company also and thoroughly enjoy group activities and gatherings.
But for this day, my given secret day, I am sublimely happy with my choice of sacred solitude.
As this day draws to a close, I pray you have been blessed with a day that brings you joy, peace and happiness.
Love, Trills.xx

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