We had a special visit from The Trons on Sat for Kerry's 70th birthday bash.
The brainchild of our #1 son Greg, with the support and encouragement of his partner Adrienne.
Controlled from the ancient computer in the background
The two guitars are played by hands and fingers made from his Dad and uncles Michano set from over 60yrs ago. There are two drums, two cymbals, a key board, and the voice from the speaker.
Do you see the small green suitcase on the right. It holds some of the important equipment needed,
AND it was Greg's school case from when he first started school in 1972. Who do you think he takes after?
Folks were suitably mesmerised by the antics.
As the band rolled out tune after tune, getting quite boisterous at times, almost like a duel between the band members.
We were so lucky that the weather held out for most of the day, though the wind did play around with the tent a bit.
Friends and family caught up with each other. Most of us getting on a bit so it's always good to have a get together for a good occasion.
Good old friends that go back over 30 yrs.
But The Trons stole the day, and we were thrilled to have them there. They have been to Paris and Vienna, among other places around the world with their own CD and DVD and Utube coverage.
Yes I am one proud Nanna of THE TRONS.
That's my brag for today. Now I feel a little foolish, but I wanted to record this for posterity.
Thankyou for your indulgence. Blessings and love, Trills.xx
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