Yesterday was of course Anzac Day and though I was not able to join in any parades or gatherings I was remembering those who gave their lives for us and gave us the lives we have now. I remember especially Daddy Don as we always called him. Mums first husband, my brothers Dad and my fathers brother. Can you work that out. I told the story this time last year. I also gave thanks for my parents and others of that generation who helped shape our lives. THANKYOU! With all my heart.
After a morning of remembrance I was treated to lunch out with my son Russ and daughterinlaw Louise. What a treat it was. We went to the Wynyard Quater on the harbours edge of downtown Auckland. It is not vey old but built over and around what used to be the trading area for fresh produce , some going onto boats for export.
Some of the old fuel tanks are still there though used these days for displaying art and even movies.
It was soooo lovely. We chose the Italian resturant. Delicious pizza and a very Wellcome cider.
It was such a lovely treat. Thankyou sooo much Russ and Louise.
And now today I had my lovely friend Steph visit from Whitford. When she walked through the door I was so taken with her glamorous appearance and that skirt. She had just made it yesterday from an op shop dress. Was it ok that length or should it be a shorter one. I like the long style, what do you think. I think it is very chic.
She had so kindly brought along some lunch for us, all handmade too. Steph is so good at all things hand made. After lunch it was time for show and tell. This is a wee fur wrap made from the leftovers of another project. Nothing is wasted with this cleaver gal.
Now we have a selection of scarves made from old tee shirts , some from op shops. The flowers too are made from tee shirts.
They are super trendy and awesome.
These are the flowers. Can you believe they were tee shirts.
This is a lovely red and navy one with self fringing. I love them all.
But I think the cream one is my favourite.
Then out of her bag came these lovely aprons made from op shop skirts with a special Steph touch.
We had a day some time ago making these flowers after I did them for our church time out.
But that's not all. Next we have the handy shoppers. Again made from tee shirts and embellished. Steph says she got this idea from Pinterest. Look up upcycled clothes.
We settled down to some stitching punctuated with desert and drinks(tea) , Stephs driving. I continued with my hexies as, surprise! Surprise! While looking for something else I found my other denim jacket.
I thought I had brought it with me. Now you can see what became of the other hexies.
Steph was busy making more flowers for embellishments.
Like this grand flower to jazz up one of the scarves. Awesome!
She managed to make all these from scraps.
I made a hexie rosette for somewhere else on my jacket.
Thankyou for an awesome day Steph. It was certainly a great break in this time of enforced rest. Wonderful dear friend. Bless you.
This time tomorrow Jindina will be home from her adventure in China and I will be back home in Waiuku with Kerry and in my own space. It has been an interesting and eventful stay here. I bought this card some years ago when going through a long stretch of therapy for my mental health. It just grabbed me. WHEREVER YOU GO, THERE YOU ARE. It just struck a cord with me. We can't escape ourselves so we may as well learn to like ourselves and make friends with ourselves. These days me and myself are good friends most of the time.