Casper woke me with his howling and I could see out the window a new day beginning. When I'm on my own I like to sleep with the curtains open. It is too high and private for anyone to see in so I feel quite safe.

I opened the lounge curtains and noted a clearer view than yesterday. Lovely for the walk I planned, but first feed the moggies and have a cuppa.

I no sooner put the blanket on my chair on the deck than Casper nabbed it and said "get your own, this one is mine". So I dutifully went and found another blanket.

The basket of goodies is our morning vitamins etc.

There was some colour moving into the clouds as the sun rose. In the distance I could hear the hum of the commuter traffic. I thought of the days I was among them.

Yes, I did work once upon a time, as a medical receptionist. I did 20yrs then retired early to care for my parents and develope my garden. Then when my folks passed on , we started the patchwork supply shop in Dads old garage. This is now my wonderful studio.

Time to get out of my bed socks and happy coat and set off on my walk, now that the traffic has quietened.

Up over the hill and down our road, under a mackerel sky, I felt there was someone behind me.

Who is that wonderfully tall and slim being. I do so love it when the sun is low and my shadow so slender. We'll come along then. Don't dilly dally.

Our road is very quiet but the main road is still busy and sometimes a bit nerve wracking with the big trucks.

Then we reach this lovely grass verge. So lovely and green because it is kikuya grass that does so well in drought conditions but not too good for cattle food and a pest in the garden.

Aah! A footpath and now I see you have jumped in front of me shadow. Just don't trip me up.

Past Janet's pretty house. They are busy at work by this time.

At this time of year there is not much in the way of good views. Back in spring I showed this road enveloped in Agapanthas, now it's a dull view.

We cross the railway line for the steam trains. Even they have retired till next season, except for the odd hi red event.

How ya doin shadow. Mind that road.

Heading into our own road now we take in the view beyond the town to the hills that hide the west coast.

Shadow has met a friend.

A wee touch of Autumn and my heart skips a beat.

Here we are shadow, home again. Did you enjoy your walk.

After a refreshing shower it was time for my coffee with God. Yes we meet up here on a regular basis for quality time together. As I settled into my chair I couldn't believe it was just 9 o'clock. Most days we are still at the table with the paper and puzzles. I'll save them for lunchtime.

After a couple of days soaking on a strong brew of nappysan the latest haul of doilies and linens soak up the sun.

How long will we enjoy these alfresco days. They must end soon so let's linger and enjoy while we can.

What did I do with my afternoon. Well I mended this lovely lacey op shop scarf. Pretty, isn't it.

Made this prototype dove. It is my plan to make about 30 to take to UK as gifts. Last time I went in 2008 I had made cushion covers with my handprint appliqued on them. As I visited my cousies and gave them these gifts from my heart I drew around their hands onto paper to bring home and appliqué onto blocks to make a quilt. I'm ashamed to say this is still a WIP.

Here are some of the blocks. I picked Autumn shaded fabrics as it was September when I visited.

It's all there , just waiting for me to follow through with my plan. This trip I will gather the few hands I missed last time.

I have made doves for years, in Christmas colours and not. In groups of 2or 3 on a string and just solo.

I developed this one with wings and sold the pattern in the shop, but these are a bit big for this project.

After a few tries with another smaller template of mine the prototype was born but I wasn't satisfied so drew up another one and tried again.

Now here is number two. I'm much happier with this one.

Don't you think. Let the production line begin. I may do a pattern and tutorial if you like. See you soon, blessings, Trills.xx
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