Yep, dear friends, I now have the gear. Ithe other day I went for a walk around the mountain in my old gear and I passed many folk doing the same in their trad gear. I didn't give it much mind but later that day when I was at a mall I spied some cheapo gear which I really did need for my trip so indulged.

So now my old gear lays where it landed in a heap of shame. Those shoes have done me well but let's face it, they are shamefully shabby.

My $10 special sneakers will do fine, and I love the colour.

So at 8.30 am I am off on my walk through Mt Eden village. Yes it's rush hour.

Past this super yellow bike ,outside the yellow door of real estate office,

Past the florist. Aren't these roses sooo pretty.

To the lights. Now she's got the gear and by her stance and her Katmandu back pack, she is one lady on a mission.

I'm trying to pace it out past all the houses I love but I am hobbling a bit as my arthritic foot is giving me gippo today.

I'm endeavouring to look cool and fit but let's face it, with my reubenesque figure I don't quite fit the bill.

The mountain is beckoning me from above the houses but I'm thinking I will have to leave that challenge for a fitter day.

I'm on the return rout and my foot is feeling much better when I see this sign. Oh what the heck, let's give it a go.

This little Asian lady is on her way up. I am encouraged. I don't do steep hills very well but I'll just take my time.

First dilemma. More stairs or

This track. I catch a glimps of the pink jacket so it's this track.

This an airial shot of the mountain on a board at the beginning of the track. It's only a pimple really, isn't it.

I am passed by other folks in their gear. This guy jogged pass puffing and saying to my "hi" It's hard getting back into it after a break away. Yeh right! Further up I caught him bent over catching his breath.

I was only stopping to take pictures. Who am I kidding!

I reach the road for the last stretch and the lovely Asian lady greets me as she passes me on her way down again. I'm not phased, not at all.

I've all but made it.

This is a good spot for a shot of Auckland CBD just below us. I can only admire the sky tower for its architecture but it's purpose and business as a casino etc leaves me cold.

I made it and am treated by these lovely young folk on a tour from UK. Of course I have to chat to them about my trip there next month. They have lots of tips about the weather etc. I also met a lovely Chinese couple and took their photos for them with their camera. They were from Beiging, so it was exciting to talk to them about Jin present trip there.

Now let's take a look around. This is looking southwest with Mangere mountain, the airport and the Manukau harbour , with away in the distance and round to the right the area where I live.

A bit further round to the right or west, maybe more in line with Blockhousebay on this side where our son and family live and us across the harbour.

True west of course is the Waitakere ranges looking dark under heavy cloud.

This is now North West and the Waitamata Harbour and North shore.

South East with One Tree Hill that isn't as the tree had to be felled after vandals attacked it. The big buildings in front is the hospital where Did half of my general nurses training. I didn't finish as in those days we couldn't stay in training if we married and also I was marrying a farmer an moving down country. I was 18 yrs old then. Sooo looong ago. Big sigh!

But these are my favourite pic from the sumit. Our gracious Rangitoto Island with amazing light and clouds.

This one maybe even better.

It was time to head back down. You can see the darker and lighter side to this blustery day.

By the way, this is the crater of this extinct volcano. One of about 50 I think in the Auckland region including our nearest one at Pukekohe.

Oh and here was a cat mouse hunting on the summit. It must have come from one of the houses backing up to the mountain as it had a collar and tags.

Maybe this one I passed on my way down.

I passed lots of folk in their gear doing IT! But I could hold my head high as I greeted them. I HAD THE GEAR!

When I got to the bottom these ladies passed me, obviously on their way up. But do they have the gear? Barely, I'd say. Even a skirt among them. Oh well, at least the're doing it.

I'm off to have a well deserved coffee and muffin and maybe share it with a sparrow or two.

Yes here they come.

Not so many today. Maybe the blustery weather is keeping them away but this little chap was brave and got his reward.

Just some fresh bread from the bakery and I'm away back to the flat for a shower and then I'm off to Spotlight. Do you want to come with me. I'll take you there tomorrow. Bye for now, love and blessings, Trills.x
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