Hi there everyone. Friday night I farewelled our daughter Jindina ( Jin ) as she embarked on her big adventure to China & Tibet for 16 days. I am staying at her flat in Mt Eden to look after Piper, her cat.

Darling Piper has a story. It was just before Christmas about 6 yrs ago now and I was shopping in our local hardware supermarket when I heard a plaintiff crying coming from the high warehouse type roof. I hailed an assistant to investigate it and eventually after getting a lifting vehicle so a young man could get up to the area the cries came from, They discovered a couple of kittens trapped in a cistern attached to a pipe leading to the outside. It seemed that in the previous nights storm the kittens had crawled up the pipe and fallen in the cistern. Unfortunately one kitten had died and they were both laid together on a towel while the young man went off to get instructions on what to do. Well he was gone too long for my liking and I could see the surviving kitten would not last long left there wet and shivering and now barely able to cry so I caught it up in my warm hands and put it down inside my top where it would be warmer and telling the nearest staff what I was doing I drove home with the wee scrap tucked safely in my bossom.

Luckily we are only 5 mins from town so it wasn't long before I had heated a wheaty pack to wrap around the wee darling and some drops of warm milk. She was so near death but the warmth of the pack soon started having an effect and her eyes opened and looked up at me and I melted. Within a couple of hours and more warm milk she was very much alive and sooo snugly and purring. Jindina was living in the cottage then and we ran our little shop in the garage, and when she came up to see where I'd been and saw and heard the story of the kitten she said she would take her. We already had 5 cats at that time you see and Jin had just Mum and Dads old cat so it was settled. Piper, as we named her would live with her and be the shop cat.

She soon had a cult following among our customers and she lapped it up. Then the day came when the shop was no more and Jin was moving to the city. How would Piper cope. Well she is loving it here and never forgets her first Mummy when I visit. She even tries to help me with my crafty ways and snuggles close in bed at nights.

She dances for her food

And eats ravenously but never gets any bigger. Not like me.

After her breakfast she likes to sit on the table watching the passing of folks on their way to work.

Then when the door is opened she sits on the doorstep for a while before taking off for her morning rounds.

Then later she can always be found in her favourite corner of the bedroom.

Well that's our little tale about Piper from her home in this great front flat of an old Mt Eden villa.

The day comes to a close above us. I hope your day was a good one. Blessings and love, Triils.xx
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