Thursday 28 June 2012

that attempt didnt work so here we go again. hi im trillian and ive been enjoying reading blogs for a couple of months and kept thinking of starting my own but being a bit long in the tooth as they say im not to handy on the computer. now enough of that . as i said im an older chic living with darling hubby and 3 moggies on our block of land soon to be subdivided into 2 leaving us with the smaller cottage , a barn/man shed, a studio/girl shed- yeh. i will be happy with less housework, more time for patchwok and crafts, and tending a still large garden. we also hope to have more fab times in our housebus, emmylou. i hope to get going with the photos and chat about my days , my triumphs and trials. now did it happen?


  1. Hi Trills welcome to the lovely blogging world,very good luck with the move.take care llove juliexxx

  2. Hope your daughters help worked looking forward to more postings and piccies :) take care love juliex

  3. Hi Thrills, thank you for your lovely comment, i look forward to reading your postings, and seeing your pictures!! More time for patchwork and crafts is always a good thing. Would love to see your work xx
